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King Aerys's aunt, Princess Rhaelle, married into House Baratheon. Robert Baratheon and his brothers are her grandsons and the Mad King's first cousins once removed, giving Robert his claim to the Iron Throne that he pursued during the civil war. During the increasingly erratic reign of King Aerys II, his son Rhaegar kidnapped Lyanna Stark of Winterfell for reasons unknown. This sparked a massive uprising led by Eddard Stark, Robert Baratheon and Jon Arryn. At the end of this war Aerys and Rhaegar were dead and the Targaryen power-base in Westeros destroyed. Aerys's youngest two children were taken by Targaryan loyalists into exile in the Free Cities of the East.
From Dance of Dragons to TV: A Brief History of House Targaryen
'House Of The Dragon' Season 2 Details (Update April 2024) - UPROXX
'House Of The Dragon' Season 2 Details (Update April .
Posted: Fri, 26 Apr 2024 16:03:56 GMT [source]
Jaehaerys died after half a century of rule and his grandson Viserys I took the throne after him, ruling well in a time of peace and plenty. His death, however trigged a major crisis when his daughter, Rhaenyra, whom he had raised to rule after him, was supplanted by her half-brother Aegon. The result was a two-year-long civil war called the Dance of Dragons, which saw many lesser branches of the Targaryen family and most of their extant dragons destroyed. The war ended with Rhaenyra's death, but Aegon, ruling as Aegon II, did not long outlive her and Rhaenyra's son took the throne as Aegon III. Haunted by his mother's death and memories of the war, Aegon III was fearful of dragons and the last Targaryen dragon died during his rule, for which event he was called the 'Dragonbane'. Viserys long ignores Rhaenyra, hoping that a male heir will essentially replace her.
Princess Rhaenys Targaryen
Daenerys became the last Targaryen, but had won her husband's heart. When she was nearly killed by assassins on the order of Robert Baratheon, Drogo swore blood vengeance and vowed to win Daenerys' throne for her. However, Drogo died of a wound sustained in battle, leaving Daenerys alone aside from a few loyal retainers. But during these events Daenerys had inherited the last three dragon eggs, and these now hatched. With dragons at her command, Daenerys became the talk and wonder of the east, but her attempts to win support in Qarth proved unsuccessful.
Aemond (Leo Ashton, and later Ewan Mitchell) is the youngest of Viserys and Alicent’s children and, at the beginning of the series, does not yet have a dragon. The other Targaryen children mock him for his inability to bond with one of the fire-breathing creatures. When Laena Velaryon dies, Aemond claims her dragon, upsetting Rhaena and starting a scuffle among the children that costs Aemond his eye.
Team Black Trailer Breakdown: House of the Dragon Season 2 - Couch Soup
Team Black Trailer Breakdown: House of the Dragon Season 2.
Posted: Fri, 26 Apr 2024 13:16:57 GMT [source]
I’m expecting Blood and Cheese to happen early in Season 2, since Daemon will presumably want to exact his “a son for a son” revenge plan sooner rather than later. House of the Dragon Season 2 will premiere on Sunday, June 16 at 9 p.m. You’ll also have the option of streaming the series with a Max subscription. I personally liked the idea that the most obvious explanation was wrong and that the payoff would take some time...
HBO’s first ‘Game of Thrones’ spinoff recaptures the power, grandeur of the original
Robert’s Rebellion succeeded, and Aerys II and his heir Rhaegar died. Though Rhaegar’s wife, Elia Martell, and her children got killed, Aerys sent his pregnant wife and son, Viserys, to Dragonstone. Queen Rhaella gave birth to Daenerys and died shortly, leaving only the infant girl and her brother. When Robert asked Stannis Baratheon to seize Dragonstone, Ser Willem Darry took the Targaryen offspring to Essos. He died, leaving them alone, and eventually, they got taken in by Magister Illyrio Mopatis of Pentos. As the relationship between Aegon and his heir Prince Daeron deteriorated, rumors spread that Aemon Targaryen fathered Daeron.
Because of their genetics, they can withstand heat more than others. Though some of them possess the ability to get premonitions of the future, the Targaryens are susceptible to madness. Corlys is the husband of Princess Rhaenys and father to Laenor and Laena.
At USC, arrests. At UCLA, hands off. Why pro-Palestinian protests have not blown up on UC campuses
On the other side, Aegon Targaryen II had been erroneously elevated to king after his wife, Alicent Hightower, mistakenly interpreted King Viserys’ deathbed ramblings. Without revealing too much about the events of season 2, know that Rhaenyra will be looking to exact revenge for her son’s death at the hands of Prince Aemond’s dragon, Vhagar. This will eventually unfold into a much larger battle, culminating in The Dance of the Dragons. The war will consume all of the Seven Kingdoms — major Westerosi houses will forge alliances with either Targaryen faction.
Rhaenyra’s second son Lucerys (Harvey Sadler) is also, likely, the son of Harwin Strong. After the death of Laenor, who is perceived to be his father, his grandfather Corlys Velaryon, says that Lucerys will one day inherit Driftmark. Later, during an argument, Lucerys is responsible for taking the eye of his uncle Aemond. This moment will come to haunt him years later when they both approach Borros Baratheon in the hopes of securing the loyalty of Storm’s End for their respective mothers.
He took many lovers and had many bastards, but was insanely jealous. When he caught Terrence Toyne, one of his Kingsguard abed with one of his mistresses, he had both killed. Toyne's brothers tried to avenge him and came close, but his brother Aemon the Dragonknight gave his life to save Aegon's. Viserys arranged the marriage of Daenerys to Khal Drogo, hoping to buy Drogo's armies with her, and to use them to reclaim the Seven Kingdoms. Viserys was blind to reality; he saw himself as a rightful ruler of the people of Westeros, never noticing that even his sister and his sworn knight Jorah Mormont scorned his petty, vindictive nature.
Though the Targaryens maintained their grip on power, the great house nearly tore itself apart in a conflict known as the Dance of the Dragons. Aegon II and his half-sister Rhaenyra both believed they were the rightful heir to the Iron Throne — and they were willing to shed blood over it. Some 50 years after that, the question of who should rule returned in the form of the Blackfyre Rebellions.
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